Lectures / Speeches
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Bauen mit Robotern, Thomas Bock, TEDxStuttgart (German)
The Robotic Future of Elderly Care, Thomas Bock, TEDxTUM
Robotics in construction by Thomas Bock, euRobotics & TU München
ISO/TC314 Ageing Societies Progress Overview
Conférence “Vers une architecture de robotique ?” Thomas Bock (French)
Prof. Bock Lecture at Eastman Symposium
Prof. Bock Lecture at IIT Madras – Closed-loop life cycling by construction automation and robotics
Prof. Bock’s lecture for IGEF 2021 South Korea – Inclusive, healthy, safe living during pandemic
HBUT SGID Conference 2021 (Wuhan) Opening Speech – Prof. Thomas Bock
HBUT SGID Conference 2021 (Wuhan) – Prof. Thomas Bock – Resilience Oriented Design for Social Metamorphosis
Prof. Bock’s lecture for UN SDG – ITU Event AI for Good Webinars on “Autonomous Robots Transforming the Future of Construction”
Chair members Prof. Thomas Bock, Prof. Thomas Linner, Dr.-Ing. Wen Pan, and Dr.-Ing. Rongbo Hu send greetings to Zhejiang Pinghu Global Science & Technology Innovation Project Roadshow
Prof. Thomas Bock’s lecture on Ambient Transformation Robotics at COT-Lab Takenaka Singapore
Prof. Bock’s Keynote Speech “High RoboTech for High DenCity” at CIC Global Construction Robotic Day
Prof. Bock’s Keynote Speech “Robot Revolution” at ISARC2024